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The Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101) and friends (NGC 5474 & 5477)

Skywatcher 200/1000 @ 750mm f/3.75
EQ6-R Pro
Starizona Nexus Coma Corrector & Reducer (0.75)
ZWO ASI 2600 MC Pro (Gain 100, Offset 18, -10°)
RGB (no filter): 517 × 60″ (8h 37′)
TS 2600 MP Mono (Gain 100, Offset 50, -10°)
Ha: (Antlia EDGE H-alpha 4.5nm Filter): 151 × 120″ (5h 2')
Luminance: (Baader UV/IR Cut / Luminance Filter): 262 × 60″ (4h 22′)
Total 18h 1′
Bortle 5
N.I.N.A., Guiding: ZWO ASI 120 MM & PHD2
Bortle 5
Astropixelprocessor, Photoshop, Pixinsight