The Lobster Claw Nebula (SH2-157) and Bubble Nebula (SH2-162) are two captivating and distinct celestial objects within the Milky Way galaxy. The Lobster Claw Nebula, named for its intricate shape resembling a crustacean's claw, is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is illuminated by a young, massive star at its center, which emits intense radiation and stellar winds that sculpt the surrounding gas and dust into its unique shape. The Lobster Claw Nebula serves as a stellar nursery, where new stars are born from the surrounding materials.
On the other hand, the Bubble Nebula, situated in the constellation Cygnus, showcases a different form of stellar interaction. This nebula's name is derived from the enormous, near-perfect bubble of gas and dust it encloses. Within this bubble resides a massive, hot, and energetic star that generates a strong stellar wind, causing the surrounding material to be pushed outward and form the bubble structure. The Bubble Nebula offers insights into the complex interplay between stars and their cosmic surroundings.
Both the Lobster Claw Nebula and the Bubble Nebula exemplify the dynamic processes occurring within our galaxy, where massive stars significantly influence their environments, shaping the structures of gas and dust around them. Observing these fascinating nebulae provides astronomers with valuable information about star formation, stellar evolution, and the intricate connections between celestial bodies and their surrounding space.
Image Details
Date |
October 7 & 29, 2021 |
LOCATion |
Hannover (Germany) |
Sky Quality |
Bortle 5 |
Telescope |
Celestron RASA 8 (203/400 f/2) |
Mount |
Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro |
Main Camera |
ZWO ASI 2600 MC Pro
Gain 100, Offset 18, -10° |
Focuser |
Celestron Motorfocus |
Processing |
Astropixelprocessor, Photoshop, Pixinsight |
Filter |
Exposure |
Ha & OIII: 25 x 240'' (1h 40') RGB: 75 x 120'' (2h 30')
Total: 4h 10' |
Guiding |
ZWO ASI 462 MC, PHD2 |
Calibration |
Flats, Darks, Darkflats |
Software |
N.I.N.A., EQMod |
Other |
Artesky Filter Holder |